Day 10 Giza. Then, two hour overland to Cairo – The Great Pyramids … the Sphinx … and Antonio the camel.
Back off, Blackbeard
Day 9 Transiting the Suez Canal – If pirates get too close this sound gun shatters their ear drums. So there.
Stew note: Yike. Don’t mess with Queen Mary. Guess she can make really loud noises. Hope they’ve got that aimed the right direction. But if any of the pirates have teen agers or have traveled with a band, they are probably use to this level of sound. Can’t believe Kiki’s left the Mediterranean behind already and is on the whole other side of Africa.
Lights around the world
Complimenti, complimenti, Paulo.
We are one hour ahead of you in Italy and six hours ahead of Maine. Everyone – Turinas, Stew, Midge and me, too – have a drink tonight to toast the Turinas! And wherever everyone is, remember you Turinas need to talk loudly about your new home in Umbria.
We can see the lights of Egypt tonight – while you’re seeing the lights of Trasimeno, Paul, and Stew and Midge and Betty are seeing the lights of Portland.
Love to all,
Sent from my iPhone
Props for Diarmuid
Day 9 Port Said, Egypt – At midnight we enter the Suez Canal. Soon after we’ll be in pirate waters and will darken the ship for security during night travel. Another kind of security: spare propellers. Aren’t they beautiful?
Stew note:
Those are high art, deserve to be displayed as sculptures for sure.
Kiki, people are writing, saying they are loving trying to keep up with you as you glide further and further around the globe.
the world will note and long remember. As will you. What a fine fine time you are having. thank you for sharing a taste of it with us landlubbers.
Next time you go all formal with the Midge polka dot dress, send her snap? She will live ship-board vicariously thru you and that little black party dress.
Ciao, ciao,
. . . Greeks bearing Gifts . .
Hey Stew,
I loved your post on the pic of Diarmuid. And aren’t you smart about the Minoans? The ship arranged a last-minute tour of Knossos, but Diarmuid and I had both been there so we hung out with Nikos instead. Excellent choice! think he liked having his pic taken: He treated us to cherry and chocolate pannecotta with chocolate bits. Very gracious, no?
Happy Walter’s tonight!
Love to you and Midge.
Stew note: center of the ancient world? Knossos? oh that. yawn. been there. done that. Loved the dolce treat photo. ummmm food.